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Past Events



** The AGM has been postponed to February 5 due to weather conditions **

EFV Area Council AGM 2020


  1. Opening remarks
  2. Adoption of agenda 
  3. Adoption of previous meeting minutes
  4. President report
  5. Treasurer report
  6. By-law votes 
  7. Budget proposal 
  8. Executive elections 
  9. Round table and closing

Mainland Human Rights Committee Meeting

Location: Vancouver Regional Office

Time: 5:30pm-8:00pm

The tentative agenda is as follows:

1. Food: Celebration of Black History Month at 5:30pm

2. Call to Order a 6:30pm

3. Approval of the Agenda

4. Approval of the last meeting report

5. Financial Report

6. Report of Activities of Executive

7. Election of Executive Officers

8. New business

9. Next Meeting Date

This is a preparatory meeting, scheduled in advance of the AGM in February.


  • 2020 Budget
  • Preliminary Financials for 2019
  • Including Prince Rupert in our events
  • International Women's Day
  • Care kits

Please RSVP to Tracy Arrowsmith, NERWC chair, at nerwc.chair@gmail.com for the address to attend in person (it is a private residence) or the conference call-in codes.

The Vancouver Area Council, West Fraser Valley Area Council, Mainland Human Rights Committee, Vancouver Regional Women’s Committee, Mainland & Haida Gwaii Young Workers Committee, BRUSH Committee and the Metro Area Regional Council Coordinators

Invite YOU to a (Post) Holiday Meet & Greet!

Wednesday January 29 2020
4:30 to 7:30 PM (drop by anytime)

All PSAC members, family and friends are invited!
