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Past Events

Teleconference #: 1 (844) 259-7596  Conference ID:  782051391

For those attending in person, please RSVP to Macneij@psac-afpc.com by January 8, 2020 to receive a menu for pre-ordering of dinner. 


All members in the area are invited to attend the PSAC North East Area Council Meeting.

Full agenda and more information TBA.

Please RSVP to Ron Hardy at ronhardy@hotmail.com

This will be a conference call only meeting - conference line 1-844-259-7596 | pin 30140622


  • Review and accept previous minutes
  • Review of years events
  • Preparation and planning for next year
  • Motion for donation – Mariah
  • Strike planning – when will training be available
  • Election of NVIAC delegate to PSAC BC Regional Triennial Convention
  • Round Table

Please RSVP to: mackenr@psac.com 


Dinner provided - please RSVP to StrangR@psac-afpc.com

The tentative agenda is as follows

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Approval of the last meeting report: October 16/19
  4. Financial Report
  5. Report of Activities of Executive
  6. Elections
  7. Planning Activities up to 2020
  8. New business
  9. Next Meeting Date
  10. Round table
  11. Adjournment

Draft Agenda
