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Past Events

Please join the committee in discussion of current and upcoming events with the Young Workers Committee.



  • Approve previous minutes
  • Approve 2020 Budget
  • Executive Elections
  • Round Table

RSVP to Kala Souter kalasouter@hotmail.com by 19 January, 2020. Please indicate in your email message if you have any food allergies or intolerances.

If you wish to call in, please send an email to mackenr@psac.com by 15 January 2019

The Social planned at the Victoria Office for January 22 has been postponed. Watch for a new date to come soon.


  • Welcome
  • Review of minutes
  • Financial Reports
  • Election
  • Project/Events
  • RoundTable

RSVP kelly.megyesi@gmail.com or luluza@icloud.com

Please contact Robert Strang at StrangR@psac-afpc.com to RSVP. Remote participants may participate via conference call, please indicate this in your RSVP.


  1. Call to order
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
  4. Treasurer’s report
  5. Labour Council report
  6. Election of executive
  7. Budget 2020
  8. Discussion and planning of larger member-drawing event
  9. Round Table
  10. Adjournment

AGM Agenda

  1. Call to order / Welcome
  2. Adoption of  Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting/ prior AGM
  4. Election of Executive
  5. Financial Report - Yearending 2019 / Budget 2020
  6. Convention discussion from a Women’s Perspective
  7. Event planning
  8. Round Table
  9. Adjournment
