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Past Events

Labour Lens:  A Film Forum Event

short films & panel discussion | snacks | photo booth and henna! for more information and to RSVP: Jennifer.ChiehHo@une-sen.org

sponsored by:  Canadian Labour Congress, BC Federation of Labour, Public Service Alliance of Canada, Union of National Employees - BC/Yukon, Unifor, BCGEU, Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens' Association, Migrante Canada 

For more information regarding this important meeting please email Sharon Bull - Sharon_bull@outlook.com

  • 2015 is a critical Year!
  • We need our Local Brothers and Sisters to come out and Support the Area Council!
  • Everyone Under the PSAC is Welcome to Attend the AGM!
  • The Area Council plans Local Events so that our Members get to feel a part of the National Labour Movement in Canada!
  • The Election for the 2015 Executive of NEAC Will Take Place!


  1. Call to order
  2. Adoption of the Agenda
  3. Approval of minutes from Dec. 9, 2014 and February 23, 2015
  4. Financial Report
  5. BC Fed Campaign ($15 minimum wage)
  6. Education Report
  7. Political Action
    1. Canada Day
    2. Surrey Pride
    3. Fusion Festival
  8. Meeting Location
  9. Area Council Job Description

WFVAC minutes from December 9. 2014 and February 23, 2015 are available below.


On May 9th, advocates, families and child care supporters across BC will launch a week of action for quality child care across Canada.

Join us and reinforce our call for government to support a $10 a Day Child Care Plan for BC.


10:45 AM GATHER at Clark Park (corner of 14th Avenue and Commercial Drive)
11:00 AM MARCH to Grandview Park (Commercial Drive and Charles Street)
11:40 AM RALLY at Grandview Park

On May 6th the Vancouver Marine Communication and Traffic Services Centres will close. Join Unifor, PSAC, the BC Fed and affiliates to protest the closure of this vital facility. Tell Stephen Harper to invest in coast guard and protect our coasts!

Sign the petition here and join us on May 6th.
