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Past Events

Snacks at 5:15, meeting at 5:30 Please RSVP to mackenr@psac.com no later than noon on May 4, 2015

Proposed agenda:

  • PRIDE and Swag review and planning
  • financial update
  • terms of reference suggested changes (from previous meeting) (I think we need to give 30 days notice for changes so this may have to be pushed over to our June meeting)
  • Community plan
  • debrief from Convention
  • next priority for committee 


Day of Mourning Ceremonieswill take place throughout the province from April 26-28, 2015.

200 workers died in BC in 2014. 1 worker death is too many. Please join your local Labour Council ceremony to honour those killed or injured in BC workplaces. “Fight for the living, mourn for the dead.”

Agenda and more details to follow. For information about the Okanagan HRC and/or details about joining the meeting remotely, contact Maria-Luiza Romano.

Scientists across the country are expressing growing alarm that federal cutbacks to research programs monitoring areas that range from climate change and ocean habitats to public health will deprive Canadians of crucial information. The Tri Cities leadnow.ca group and Evidence for Democracy are partnering to host a public screening of CBC's Silence of the Labs documentary. Speakers will include Robert MacDonald, PIPSC Director for BC/Yukon.

Connect the Blue Dots is a national day of action to celebrate the growing number of Canadians who believe in the right to live in a healthy environment. On Sunday, April 19, people will gather together in communities across Canada and show how big the Blue Dot Movement really is. We know that lasting change happens when everyday people come together to show our leaders the future we really want.

Click for a list of events near you.
