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Past Events

Bargaining information session for CFIA members - Terri Lee, Negotiating Team member, will provide an update on the status of bargaining.

Conference Call Coordinates Local Dial in: 604 899-2339, Toll Free: 1-877-385-4099 - Participant Code: 66199#

Please RSVP to: Vancouver Regional Office at 604 430-5631 or toll free 1-800-663-1655 to participate in person or by phone.

Agenda and details to follow - email Annette Hale - ahale@shaw.ca - for more information.


  • Minutes from previous meeting December 7,  2013
  • Financial Report and 2014 Budget – Sharon VanderDonck
  • President’s Report – Tom Hopkins
  • Political Action
  • Upcoming Events
  • Elections for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer
  • Roundtable and Members concerns

Contact: Tom Hopkins - President
Home: hoptomhop@shaw.ca
Work: tom.hopkins@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Agenda: Elections for new executive. Delegate election: a delegate will be also be elected to attend the PSAC regional Convention in April 25-27 in Vancouver. Each Area Council delegate in good standing of an affiliated local is eligible to seek delegate status and to vote in the delegate selection. Eligible candidates who are unable to attend the delegate selection meeting may seek the delegate seat by submitting a written statement, duly moved and seconded, of their intent to do so. An alternate delegate will also be elected.

Agenda available soon. For more information, contact Parveen Deepak.

Note the NorthEast Area Council Meeting will take place directly afterwards.
