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Past Events

Facilitator: TBA

Convention Procedures

By the end of the course, participants will understand the purpose of conventions, become familiar with convention procedures such as voting, elections, reports, etc., and become more skilled at using Rules Of Order. We will examine the roles of convention committees, committee chairpersons, convention chairpersons, and gain some understanding of the dynamics of conventions.

Light dinner at 5:00 p.m., AGM starts at 5:30 p.m.

Agenda to follow, should you wish to add anything please respond to Jamey Mills millsj@psac.com or call 778-838-6004. Elections for all positions will occur at this meeting. Any bylaw changes should be sent to Jamey Mills

Dues are $0.50/member per year for members working or residing in the Vancouver Area and are to be paid at the AGM.


1.    National Equity Conference plans
2.    Process for requesting funding
Please RSVP to Regina Brennan via e-mail: brennar@psac.com If you would like to join the meeting by conference call; require accommodation; have agenda items please contact Regina Brennan via e-mail: brennar@psac.com or phone: 604-430-5631 or toll-free at: 1-800-663-1655  for conference call-in codes. 

  • A collaboration between community artists, showcasing poetry, music, dance, and much more!

Facilitator: Colette Savarie

Representing Members with Mental Illnesses

This training session will help stewards develop knowledge and skills that will assist them in representing members experiencing some forms of mental illnesses.
