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Past Events


  1. Elections
  2. Finances and Budget
  3. Russian Olympics

Please RSVP promptly at jameymills77@gmail.com. This is the last required meeting of our fiscal year. If you have any bylaw amendments please bring them to the meeting as we can discuss for the AGM which will be held in late Oct.

Should you have any dietary restrictions please advise with your RSVP - a light dinner will be served at 5PM.


  • Introductions
  • Review & Approve of previous Minutes
  • Guest Speaker
  • Financial Report
  • 2014 Budget
  • Dec 6th Planning
  • October History Month
  • Elections
  • 2014 Meeting dates

Please R.S.V.P by email to either Rosemary  at mackenr@psac.com or Virginia at vaillav@psac.com no later than September 16th as pizza will be ordered.

Meeting Times: 4PM and 6:30PM

This is the ratification vote meeting for PSAC members employed directly by YVR. Members of the team will be available to answer questions. Download the Ratification Kit below.

Please send agenda items to Elizabeth Oliphant, VIYWC Secretary-Treasurer, at oliphant.liz@gmail.com. Conference calling is available upon request - please contact me or Rosemary MacKenzie at mackenr@psac.com for the call in coordinates, before Sept 13th.
