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Past Events

The Victoria Area Council; Vancouver Island Human Rights Committee; Victoria Regional Women’s Committee and the South Vancouver Island Regional Council Coordinators invite you to a Festive Meet & Greet at the PSAC Victoria Office. Everyone welcome!


Celebrate International Human Rights Day, December 10th, by joining people around the world writing letters calling for the protection and promotion of human rights. It’s easy and effective.

CONTACT: Joel Canfield at 250-753-6796 or humanrights@shaw.ca

This course is for PSAC union representatives (stewards, local officers, etc.) who have experience and training:

  • on representing members with disabilities;
  • on the duty to accommodate;
  • directly related to representation.

Course Overview The goal of the Advanced Duty to Accommodate course is to develop our union’s ability to provide effective representation on the duty to accommodate members with disabilities, at the Local level.

The PSAC Victoria Regional Womens Committee is sponsorign a candle light vigil on December 6th, National Day of Rememberance and Action on Violence Against Women.

Please bring an item to donate - all donations will be given to local women's organizations.

New Donations Suggested

  • towels
  • non-perishable food
  • pajamas
  • slippers
  • socks
  • toothbrushes
  • toiletries

For more information email VaillaV@psac-apfc.com.

Spread the word! Download a poster below.
