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Past Events

AGM - North Vancouver Island PSAC Area Council


  • Minutes from previous meeting December 20, 2012
  • Financial report and 2012 budget – Sharon
  • President’s Report – Tom Hopkins
  • TC Bargaining Report
  • Political Action
  • Elections for the positions of: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer
  • Roundtable and Members concerns

Note: Breakfast provided by Area Council, for more information contact: Tom Hopkins - President at 250-283-7171 or via email hoptomhop@telus.net

For more information and to RSVP, contact Cheryl Oenema - OenemaC@psac-afpc.com


  • Previous Minutes
  • Political action
  • Softball tournament

PLEASE RSVP TO: Rosemary by e-mail mackenr@psac.com no later than noon on Monday February 11, 2013 as food will be ordered

Lunch will be provided by the Area Council.


  • Area Council's current Financial Statements for the year ending 2012
  • budget for the current fiscal year, including planned activities, events, etc. and related expenses for 2013; and
  • tentative meeting schedule.

ALL PSAC MEMBERS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND THIS MEETING.  Please note that locals must have dues for 2013 paid for their members to be entitled to voice and vote in accordance with the Area Council Bylaws

Agenda TBA. For more info: MegyesK@psac.com
