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Past Events

Speakers: An Intergenerational Discussion on Feminism and Labour

  • Marion Pollack, Retired Union Activist and Life-long feminist
  • Jarrah Hodge, Feminist blogger & Union communicator

Tickets $40 / $30 low-waged - tables of 8 ($320)

Contact the VDLC office, 604.254.0703 / office@vdlc.ca

Poster attached – please post and circulate

The Penticton & Area Women's Centre, the South Okanagan Victim Assistance Society, and the South Okanagan Boundary Labour Council will host an IWD rally followed by a celebration at the Shatford Centre. More information here.

The Okanagan College Women's Resource Centre presents a screening of Status Quo: The Unfinished Business of Feminism.

Screening of the film Status Quo: The Unfinished Business of Feminism

Feminism has shaped the society we live in. But just how far has it brought us, and how relevant is it today? This feature documentary zeroes in on key concerns such as violence against women, access to abortion, and universal childcare, asking how much progress we have truly made on these issues. Rich with archival material and startling contemporary stories, Status Quo? uncovers answers that are provocative and at times shocking.

How is British Columbia standing when it comes to advancing the economic human rights of women?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes the economic rights to education, housing, health care, social security, wages worthy of human dignity, and freedom from discrimination in employment. Access to affordable and high quality child care opens doors and removes barriers for women exercising their economic human rights.
