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Past Events

Facilitator: Janelle Ho-Shing

Facilitator: Janelle Ho-Shing

Cohosted with Amnesty International.

Lolita is the director of the Indigenous Women’s Network “ Voice of Resistance” and a member of Counsel of K’iche Peoples.  In 2010 she organized a community referendum on major industrical development in her province, 27,000 people participated. 

Lolital will discuss mining in Guatemala and the effect on the indigenous peoples.

Lunch is available - $9 (full meal), $5.50 soup & salad.

Please RSVP to the VDLC office at 604-254-0703

UFCW Local 1518 presents an International Womens Day event: Honouring the Many Hats We Wear.

With guest speaker Judy Darcy of the BCNDP - everyone welcome and childcare is available.


The Finnish Labour Temple opened in March 1910, but this workers' hall was a temple of a different sort, one where political, rather than religious devotion, was practiced. Under the Red Star tells the story of union organizers, strong minded women, athletic children, actors and even poets.
