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Past Events

The Vancouver Area Council is taking our action to the streets on May Day! We have been raising awareness that these illogical federal public services cuts affects everyone, so let's take this opportunity to bring out the message even louder amongst workers from across Vancouver. 

April 28th is the National Day of Mourning in Canada, commemorating workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness due to workplace related hazards and incidents.

We encourage you to join an event in your community - for a full list of events, visit the BC Federation of Labour OHS website.

Facilitator: Colette Savarie

The National Board of Directors of the PSAC is putting in motion a new, unprecedented plan to push back against attacks to our Collective Agreements and build our union member by member.  PSAC Local leaders will be attending a day-long meeting to discuss the plan and to receive special training on how to organize our members to respond to the latest Conservative threats facing PSAC members. More information and registration for Local Representatives.

Agenda: TBA. Participation via teleconference is available - please RSVP for details.
