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Past Events


  • Member One to One (We Are All Affected) Campaign
  • Labour Day Picnic

ALL PSAC MEMBERS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND THIS MEETING. Please note that locals must have dues for 2013 paid for their members to be entitled to voice and vote in accordance with the Area Council Bylaws


  1. Approval of the agenda
  2. Approval of the previous minutes
  3. Financial report- Rina
  4. Education officer’s report
  5. Update on visits locals
  6. Political actions
  7. Other business
  8. Curling Bonspiel in January/February 2014
  9. Fundraiser-political
  10. Affiliation to New Westminster & District Labour Council (NWDLC)
  11. Motion to pay for the food
  12. Next meeting date and adjournment

Kate Reid performed at the PSAC Pride Conference in Vancouver in 2007. She plays fun, progressive music aimed at aimed at queer youth and queer families.

Tickets - $20, $16 members - available online www.roguefolk.bc.ca | 604-736-3022 | Accessible, All ages & Licensed Event

Union Education at its best! This Union School is 5 intensive days of in-residence learning for activists and leaders here in BC. If you are a leader or activist, this Union School will provide you with the opportunity to build your skills, acquire new skills and network with each other. Full details and online registration.

Facilitator: Regina Brennan
