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Past Events

Show your Union Pride! March with PSAC and many other Union members with the MultiUnion Pride Float.

On May 13th, 2013 IKEA Canada locked out the workers at their store in Richmond, members of Teamsters Local 213, in an attempt to force them to accept a two-tiered wage system and reductions in benefit eligibility.  The workers have remained strong over the past two months and are determined to continue the fight against this wealthy employer’s attempts to ratchet down wages and benefits.  In order to be successful they are looking for support from the rest of the labour movement.

Let's make 2013 Victoria Pride Parade the biggest PSAC participation that the island has ever seen!

The Vancouver Island Human Rights Committee would like to invite all Locals and PSAC members on Vancouver Island to march together as a PSAC convoy in the upcoming Victoria Pride Parade July 7, 2013. In the past years, we have marched behind multi-union convoys but we would like to encourage more PSAC locals and committees to come out, show support and march together.
