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Past Events

300 members of Teamsters Local 213 have been locked out of their jobs at IKEA Richmond since May 13.  They are now being threatened with massive cutbacks and concessions if they don't return to work.  In a letter to its employees, Ikea's Store manager warns workers who don't return to work by June 3 will have the terms of employment reduced; if they don't return by June 8th they will be further reduced; and another reduction would take place on Jun


  • Agenda
  • Pride Contingent
  • AGM info
  • Financial Update
  • We Are All Affected
  • Overview of Union School
  • Women's history month event
  • Dec 6 event
The next meeting of the BRUSH will be held on Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 5:30 pm in the Vancouver Regional Office (second floor).  Members unable to attend the meeting in Vancouver will be welcome to join in the discussion via teleconference. The conference call co-ordinates will be provided later along with the complete agenda and minutes from the previous meeting.

Hello PSAC Racially Visible Members,

It's been a while since we got together and discussed workplace issues, goals and objectives for the upcoming year.  Therefore, I would like to invite all self-identified racially visible members to attend a meeting on June 19th. Please RSVP your attendance via email @ sargychima@hotmail.com by COB Wednesday June 12, 2013 and any agenda items you may have.

Sargy Chima, BC Regional Council RV Coordinator

Agenda and more details to follow.
