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Past Events

Facilitator: Colette Savarie

The Vancouver & District Labour Council and The Canadian Network on Cuba  presents Dr. Jorge Balseiro on Cuban health solidarity work in Haiti.

As trade unionists work to defend and improve public services, to combat poverty and to make positive gains in our communities, we are strengthened through collaboration with others.
In 60 cities around the world, including Canada, the US, England and Australia, trade unionist have been successful in advancing important social issues through working together with faith and community organizations.

This model is now established in Vancouver through The Metro Vancouver Alliance, of which the Vancouver & District Labour Council is a founding member. MVA invites all trade unionists and their allies to a leadership workshop which will provide practical tools to broaden participation in your own unions, build power, and establish strong,
sustainable community alliances for our common good.


  • Election of Delegate to National PSAC Convention
  • Resolutions to National PSAC Convention (please bring submissions written in resolution format)
  • PSAC “NO CUTS” Campaign

Guest: Bob Jackson, BC PSAC REVP

Please RSVP to Jayne Johns - JohnsJ@psac-afpc.com


  • Introductions
  • Review & approval of previous minutes from September 12th meeting
  • Report from women's summer institute
  • Financial report
  • 2012 Budget
  • Dec 6th event update
  • National Child Care Day
  • Elections
  • 2012 Meeting Dates
