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Past Events

This is Denise Savoie's annual public meeting to ask constituents for their input into her submission to the Finance Minister in advance of the federal budget. If you are unable to attend Denise would still like to hear from you and would appreciate receiving written submissions. Please send them to denise.savoie@parl.gc.ca by November 15.

Media Democracy Day(s) is an annual event which draws and fosters dialogue between activists, academics, media producers and citizens with the ambition of creating a more democratic media system.

The government has combined nine separate pieces of legislation from the previous parliament into Bill C-10, some of which we would all support and some of which cries out for closer examination because of its implications for our democracy, our safety and our economy.

Don't let your Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security Call Centre (CPP/OAS CC or EICC) die a slow death!

Facilitator: Monica Urrutia
