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Past Events

*** Please note this is the correct date. Our newsletter incorrectly indicated the Pension Forum was December 8th. The event actually takes place on the 7th ***
All members in the Fraser Valley East are invited to a Pension Forum
  • Do you understand your pension plan?
  • Any idea of how much you will have to live on when you retire?
  • How long till you retire?
  • Does any of this make sense? 

A candlelight vigil to commemorate National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, brought to you by the PSAC Vancouver Regional Women's Committee.

Speakers will include Sue Hammel MLA Green Timbers/Surrey and Penny Priddy, former MP for Surrey North, Denise Darrell, Executive Director - South Fraser Women's Services, and Bruce Ralston MLA Surrey/Whalley.

Please bring a donation for local women’s organizations

Organized by the PSAC Victoria Regional Women's Committee

Speakers will include

  • Carole James, MLA Victoria- Beacon Hill
  • Bob Jackson Regional Executive Vice President PSAC BC
  • Stephanie Capyk, Manager of Direct Client Services, Women's Sexual Assault Centre
  • Virginia Vaillancourt, Chair Victoria Regional Women's Committee
  • Speeches will be also be read for Randall Garrison and Denise Savoie as they are unable to attend in person.

Please bring an item to donate to local womens organizations, there will be a collection at the event

Facilitator: Janelle Ho-Shing

Facilitator: Janelle Ho-Shing
