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Past Events

Agenda items will include reviewing and approving the 2017 finances and adopting the 2018 budget.

For more information, suggest an agenda item and/or to RSVP, contact Susie Blyth at sockeyesushi@yahoo.ca


  1. Call to Order 5:15 PM
  2. Review of last AGM Minutes (Old Business)
  3. Elections-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary
  4. Wrap up-2017 Care Kits
  5. Plan 2018 Meeting Dates
  6. Any other new Business

Light refreshments will be served - please RSVP to Tracy Arrowsmith - arrowsmithpg@shaw.ca

Facilitator: TBC

Participation via conference call is available, if you cannot attend in person, please email mackenr@psac.com to obtain the call in coordinates


Facilitator: Robert Strang
