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Past Events


  1. Roll Call:
  2. Accepting the Agenda:
  3. Review Previous Minutes
  4. Business Arising
  5. New Business
    1. BC Fed Activities
    2. Terms of Reference Amendments
    3. Duty to Accommodate – Medical Marijuana
    4. Proposed Changes to the Canada Labour Code Part II
    5. PSAC National Convention
  6. Round Table
  7. Next Meeting
  8. Adjournment

Tentative agenda:

Facilitator: Jessica Kerek

This is training for pay advocates, normally local officers or stewards, that have been assisting members with Phoenix issues. This assembly will provide information and training on tools specifically for assisting those with pay issues.  It will also provide information on our key objectives in pressuring the government to address and resolve Phoenix.  Please ensure that at least one Executive, Steward or person designated by the local as a “Pay Advocate” signs up for this important training and information session. 

Save the date! Agenda and details to come. RSVP and more information - kelly.megyesi@gmail.com

Save the date! Agenda and details to come.
