Mainland and Haida Gwaii Young Workers Committee meeting

February 15, 2017
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
PSAC Vancouver Regional Office - 200 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver, BC (Map)

Participation via teleconference is available. Please RSVP by February 13th and let us know of any dietary requirements you have. A light (but good) dinner will be provided.

MHGYWC 2016/17 AGM Agenda

  1. Call to order
  2. Review of previous meeting minutes (November 2016)
  3. Reports
    • President's Report
    • Treasurer's Report
      • Financial statement for 2016
      • Proposed 2017 budget
  4. Old Business
    • Young Workers Leadership Summit
  5. Election of delegate to BC Regional Triennial Convention
  6. Election of Officers
  7. New Business
    • Resolutions for BC Regional Triennial Convention
    • Volunteer outreach activity
  8. Oath of office/adjournment