Mainland Haida Gwaii Young Workers Committee Meeting

October 29, 2020
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
skype, online, BC (Map)

The next meeting takes place October 29, 6PM via Skype. Please RSVP to Simba Muskwe, Chair of the MHGYWC.

MHGYW General Meeting Agenda             

  1. Call to Order
  2. Acknowledgement of Aboriginal Traditional Territories
  3. Welcome New Member
  4. Review of Minutes
  5. Old Business
    • Signatories to the committee’s credit union account finally added. Cheque for annual budget ($1300) successfully deposited
    • Charity donations still to be finalized
    • Damir’s reimbursement follow-up: one cheque that did not clear. Damir will forward the cheque number and amount.
    • 4th Young Worker’s Committee Summit is still in the works. More to come soon
    • Ask for interest/hold election for new MHGYWC delegate to Vancouver Area Council
  6. New Business
    • Joint Social Night with Vancouver Island Young Workers. Any ideas?
    • Netflix watch parties, Online Trivia (on Zoom, there’s a business account),
    • Is it possible to create a new role for running social media pages?
    • Brainstorm charities/programs/initiatives that the committee could donate to
    • Confirm whether committee would like to continue with the current schedule for subsequent meetings: November 17
  7. Roundtable
  8. Adjournment