Meet Chris Aylward, PSAC's National President - CFIA

March 5, 2020
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
CFIA Office, Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, BC (Map)


Do you have questions about the upcoming Public Interest Commission hearing, CFIA bargaining, or Phoenix? Are you interested in hearing directly from PSAC's national president?

Chris Aylward will be at the Burnaby CFIA office on March 5 and he wants to meet, talk to, and hear from as many PSAC members as possible while he's here.

Chris will tour the office starting at 2:30PM and then all members are invited to meet him at Prado Café between 3 and 3:30PM.

Chris will provide a national update and be available to answer your questions about bargaining, Phoenix damages, and the PIC hearing.

  • March 5 2:30PM to 3:30PM
  • CFIA Office / Prado Café
  • Still Creek Drive, Burnaby

All PSAC members are welcome!
