Our Turn 2011: BC Federation Of Labour Young Activist Summit

November 27, 2011
(All day)
Westin Bayshore Hotel, Vancouver, BC (Map)

What is it?

OurTurn2011is a one-day summit sponsored by the BCFED. Join with hundreds of other young activists, trade unionists, environmentalists, students and leaders who want to create a better workplaces, better communities and a better world.

When is it?

November 27th, 2011 Westin Bayshore Hotel, Vancouver BC

Who can attend?

Any young person between 16 to 30 years old can attend. Community activists are welcome. You do not have to be a member of a union to attend - but seating priority is given to those who are members of unions affiliated to the B.C. Federation of Labour.

How do I register?

You can register for OurTurn2011 online here. There is no registration fee.
