Phoenix public awareness event

August 30, 2017
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Library Square, 300 West Georgia, Vancouver, BC (Map)

The Vancouver and District Area Council's Phoenix Public Awareness Sub-Committee is hosting a public awareness and member support action at Library Square on August 30th at 4:00 pm. The action is to raise awareness of the ongoing issues with the Phoenix pay system and the impact on our members. We are inviting PSAC members to participate in one of a number of supporting roles including:

  • Spreading the word in their locals to gather support and participants.
  • Handing out leaflets on the street corner to passersby and inviting the public to sign postcards to Scott Brison asking for Phoenix to be fixed and public servants be respected.
  • Holding a large FIX PHOENIX banner in the crosswalk only when safe to do so and when the crosswalk is active. We will not be disrupting vehicular or pedestrian traffic.

A recent Forum Research poll found that nearly half of respondents aware of the Phoenix fiasco had their view of the government become more negative. Increasing public awareness of Phoenix in addition to our continued lobbying of Members of Parliament is crucial in increasing the pressure on the government for faster action on fixing Phoenix.

Please contact Todd Smith at to RSVP or for more information.
