Phoenix Rally and Public Awareness Event - Vancouver

April 7, 2018
12:15 pm to 1:00 pm
1245 West Broadway, the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould's constituency office, Vancouver, BC (Map)

PSAC activists from across BC are gathering in Vancouver for a one-day meeting on April 7. Join us at a lunch time event to deliver a message for Jody Wilson-Raybould, Minister of Justice, to take back to Ottawa ...

The government must take every step necessary to pay federal public service workers correctly and on-time, every time, and make amends for the hardships caused by Phoenix.

We will also gather signatures on PSAC's petition to the Prime Minister and raise public awareness about the ongoing Phoenix disaster.

Note: participants are doing this over the lunch break at their meeting, so the event will be relatively short.

RSVP at the Facebook Event page.

