Vancouver Area Council meeting

September 11, 2019
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
PSAC Vancouver Regional Office - 200 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver, BC (Map)

Dinner is at 5:30 pm and the meeting starts at 6 pm.

Tentative agenda (please send in any other items you wish to be added):

  1. Approve previous minutes (May 15, 2019, attached)
  2. Ratify three motions addressed in between meetings
  3. Business arising from previous minutes
    1. Car Free Day - Jun 17
    2. National Indigenous People’s Day – June 21
    3. Canada Day, July 1 (if any report)
    4. Annual softball tournament – July 19
    5. Pride (1st Sunday in August)
  4. Standing finance update c/o Aaron
  5. Metro Vancouver Alliance update
  6. Upcoming events:
    1. Labour Day (Sept 2)
    2. Annual barbecue (Sept?)
    3. CLIFF (fall)
    4. Federal Election (October 21)
  7. Phoenix sub-committee
  8. Affiliate Reports (3 minutes per local/committee)
  9. New Business
  10. Discussion on ideas for resolutions. Note: Resolutions will be asked to be submitted for consideration and debate at the scheduled November meeting.
  11. Round Table
  12. Adjournment/Next Meeting is scheduled for November 6, 2019.

RSVPs are requested by September 9th to please include dietary needs or if you wish to join by telephone.
