Vancouver Area Council meeting

September 9, 2020
6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
conference call, Vancouver, BC (Map)

The next Vancouver Area Council meeting takes place September 9 at 6 pm via teleconference call. Please RSVP to by September 7 for the call-in coordinates.

Proposed Agenda


  • Presentation on BCFORUM by Sam Wiese
  • Approval of prior Minutes, 3June2020 (will be attached to meeting notice)
  • ratify motion (motion to support Hogan’s Alley Society that was passed by e-vote in June)
  • Business arising
  • Standing Updates
    • Financial Report c/o Aaron
    • Metro Vancouver Alliance
      • New Base MVA Membership Amount
    • Phoenix
    • COVID-19
  • Vancouver Just Recovery. Note: Andre requests people take the time to review this statement (at link) to be discussed at this meeting for possible adoption.  "Vancouver Just Recovery Statement on Defunding the VPD and Supporting Black and Vulnerable Communities"
  • Affiliate Reports (3 minutes per local/committee) – Important note: please send written affiliate reports to Secretary, Jennifer Horsley at either beforehand or within two weeks after the meeting to be included in the official minutes.
  • New Business
    • Election to fill vacancy of 2nd Vice-President (term ends at VAC AGM in 2021)
  • Round Table
  • Next Meeting: currently scheduled for November 18, 2020