The Vancouver & District Labour Council and The BC Federation of Labour and Occupy Vancouver invite you to May Day 2012

May 1, 2012
3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC (Map)

The Vancouver & District Labour Council and The BC Federation of Labour and Occupy Vancouver invite you to May Day 2012

Power to the 99% Uniting Local and International Struggles! Don't support the 1% this May 1st

Join in solidarity to celebrate the international day of the worker - demand democracy, freedom of expression and assembly, restoration of the right to strike and to occupy!

3:00 pm - Gather at the Vancouver Art Gallery
4:00 pm - Speakers and Performances
6:00 pm - Jim Sinclair and Irene Lanzinger, BC Federation of Labour
6: 15 pm - March led by Carnival Band from Art Gallery to W2
7:30 pm - Mayworks Festival kick off at W2 (111 West Hastings)


For more information please contact Rachel @ the VDLC at 604-254-0703
