West Fraser Valley Area Council AGM

February 8, 2021
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
via Zoom - RSVP to psacbc-ac-westfraservalley@psac-afpc.com for the link, West Fraser Valley, BC (Map)

Via Zoom and/or Teleconference RSVP to psacbc-ac-westfraservalley@psac-afpc.com to get the Zoom link




  1. Call To Order
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Tentative Guest Speaker: Jamey Mills, PSAC BC REVP – Updates on Bargaining and Phoenix.  He will also be available for member questions.
  4. Adoption of AGM minutes from February 10, 2020
  5. Adoption of Previous minutes from October 19, 2020
  6. Financial Report  
  7. Elections of WFVAC executive
  8. Political Action
  9. Education / Events 
    • December 6, 2020 Vigil under Social Events for the National Day of Remembrance to End Violence Against Women
  10. New Business 
    • PSAC BC Convention May 7-9, 2021
  11. Roundtable

