Young Workers Soccer Social

July 26, 2015
3:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Frankie’s Italian Kitchen & Bar 765 Beatty Street – meet up at 3PM – kick-off at 4PM, Vancouver, BC (Map)

The PSAC BC Mainland Young Workers Committee is inviting fellow PSAC young workers to join them for a lively, entertaining and not-to-be-missed soccer game with free tickets. Tickets are limited and the invitation is on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Come meet fellow young workers from PSAC, create engagement on a few young worker topics (open to ideas, big and small) and most importantly … to have fun! Be sure to wear any PSAC shirt, hoodie, cardigan, you name it, for a group photo! Happy to supply any if you don’t have one yet! Let us know!

Looking for any further details or have a suggestion? Please contact Craig Steinhauser at RSVP by July 19, 2015 to Monica Urrutia at

We look forward to meeting you and wrapping up another beautiful Vancouver weekend in style!
