June 8th National Day of Action - thank you!

Sisters and Brothers,

I want to thank each and every one of you for your participation yesterday during our National Day of Action, which was a tremendous success!

We've received almost two hundred photos of the actions, posters, signs and events work sites across British Columbia held to show our bargaining teams that they have our full support - and the photos and reports are still coming in.

The photos are available here at the PSAC BC Facebook page or at Dropbox. Have a look and share these links with your co-workers!

I also want to thank all the member organizers, activists, Local Executive and Stewards who helped to coordinate and mobilize their Locals and Branches, and the PSAC Regional Staff for their hard work in getting materials out and providing support.

Together, we sent a clear message to the government - we expect a quick and fair approach to contract negotiations when our negotiators return to the bargaining table this month. And we expect respect, because that's what real change means.

In Solidarity,

Bob Jackson,
PSAC BC Regional Executive Vice-President
