Facing Management

October 23, 2011
(All day)
21 Lakeshore Drive West, Penticton, BC (Map)
Sign-up Deadline: 
October 3, 2011

Facilitator: Regina Brennan

Facing Management (FM)

Do you often wonder if your Local Union could be more effective and assertive at the workplace? If so, this is the course for you! This course will give you the skills and confidence to ‘Face Management’ in a number of different environments. Together we will examine the legal framework, protocol and practice of union/management consultation. We will also explore the appropriate use of interest based workplace negotiations as well as introduce some hands-on techniques. And last but definitely not least, when formal and informal union/management consultation fails we can always rely on the power of the collective to make our voices heard. Learn how to organize and carry out strategic and effective workplace actions and campaigns.