Stand Up For Public Services - No Cuts Rally

November 8, 2011
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
555 West Hastings (corner of Seymour & Hastings), Vancouver, BC (Map)
Don't let your Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security Call Centre (CPP/OAS CC or EICC) die a slow death! Join the fight for quality public services!
With non-renewal of term workers and an ever-increasing work load for those who remain, the EICC and CPP/OASCC is suffering a slow death by a thousand cuts.
In August the Federal Government announced that it would be closing a number of CPP/OAS and EI call centres within the next three years, thus prompting EI workers and their supporters across the country to rally to try and prevent the Federal Government actions.
We believe the Federal Government should not be cutting back resources to public services and instead should be helping to improve access to EI and CPP/OAS to Canadian workers and seniors who really need those benefits in these challenging economic times. 
Rally for quality public services! All are welcome! We are calling on all supporters to wear black!
Organized by the PSAC Vancouver Regional Office and local CEIU 20961.