CFIA Bargaining Update Meeting - Burnaby

March 20, 2013
8:30 am to 1:30 pm
4170 Still Creek Drive, Suite 200, Burnaby, BC (Map)

Members are invited to hear an update from PSAC National negotiator Gail Lem.

Due to the space size of this meeting room I ask that members with the first letter of their last name to try to stop in at the following times if possible or attend the meeting in the afternoon of the same day

  • ABC- 8:30am
  • DEF- 09:10am
  • GHI- 09:50am
  • JKL- 10:30am
  • MNO- 11:10am
  • PQR- 11:50am
  • STUV- 12:30pm
  • WXYZ- 1:00pm