Calling all PSAC Members to Pride 2014!

August 3, 2014
(All day)
Vancouver, Vancouver, BC (Map)

PSAC BC and the BC Fed Multi-Union Pride Committee invite all union members to march with pride, August 3rd!

Saturday August 2, 2014: We will be gathering to stuff bags and get ready for the float. @BCGEU headquarters offices @4911 Canada Way (at Iris), Burnaby 10AM – 12 noon.

Sunday August 3, 2014: PRIDE! Our Location for the Pride Parade is at FN17 (On Alberni near Burrard Streets). The staging area opens up at 11:00 AM and vehicles and entry leads must be there at the latest by 12:00. Marchers must be there by 12:30 at the latest.

If you are available to help staff the PSAC booth at the pride festival at Sunset Beach, where there will be face painting and information for the community on our “We Are All Affected” campaign, please contact Tracy Shudo at or Crystal Warner at
