Vancouver Area Council meeting

October 23, 2014
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
PSAC Vancouver RO - 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver, BC (Map)
This is a notice of meeting that the Vancouver Area Council will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at the Vancouver Regional Office (#200 - 5238 Joyce Street).
1. Previous minutes (draft attached, please raise changes needed, if any, at the meeting)
2. Guest speaker - John Wilson, PSAC Negotiator for SV group
3. President's Report
4. Treasurer's Report
-financial statement for 2013-2014
-budget for 2014-2015
5. Affiliate Reports
6. Area Council Executive Elections
7. PSAC National Triennial Convention - Resolutions (for easier discussion please submit any resolutions in advance so copies can be made for distribution. Please note PSAC's requirements at
8. PSAC National Triennial Convention - Delegate Election
9. Round
Dinner at 5 pm, meeting to start at 5:30 pm.
Locals/Branches affiliated to the Area Council, or who wish to affiliate, should bring their annual dues and send their delegates to participate in this meeting.
Please RSVP by October 20, 2014, as dinner will be served. Please indicate any special needs (e.g. dietary requirements, etc.)