Political Action Training - Victoria (note new date)

September 18, 2015 to September 19, 2015
(All day)
PSAC Victoria Regional Office, Victoria, BC (Map)

Take Part in Political Action!

Do you want to make a difference in the upcoming Federal Election? Join other PSAC members who want to work on our political action campaign and enhance your skills at having the kind of conversations with members that will make a difference in the election.

Day one will provide a solid foundation to start with, from reviewing the current government's policies and actions and their impact, to strategizing about communities, to engaging, motivating, and connecting with fellow PSAC members. At the end of the day you’ll practise a dry-run for the real thing.

On day two you will have the choice of practising your skills by having member-to-member conversations either in person or over the phone, with PSAC resource people to support you. The group will then come back together plan next steps.

By the end of both days, we are confident you will be equipped to continue political action into the fall, where we will be a part of electing a new government!

Participants must be able to commit to both days - the course is scheduled from 9:30AM to 4:30PM Friday & Saturday.