DCL 20500 Commissionaires - Annual General Meeting

March 27, 2017
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
PSAC Victoria Regional Office, 210-1497 Admirals Road, Victoria, BC (Map)

the Commissionaires Union AGM takes place March 27th at the PSAC Victoria Regional Office.


  • Call to Order by the Chairperson (Note: due to some recent resignations, the REVP has recommended this meeting be Chaired by the PSAC Regional Coordinator - BC)
  • Anti-Harassment Statement
  • Rules of Order
  • Adoption of Agenda
  • Adoption of Minutes from the 2014 AGM
  • Introductions of guest speakers (if any)
  • Bargaining Update
  • Election of 2 Bargaining Team Members (to fill immediate vacancies)
  • Election of 2 Alternates to the Bargaining Team
  • Treasurer's report
  • Election of ALL Executive Positions:
    • President
    • First Vice-President
    • Second Vice-President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
  • Oath of Office
  • Other business
  • Adjournment