PSAC BC Racially Visible Caucus Meeting and Workshop

September 16, 2017
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
PSAC Vancouver Regional Office - 200 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver, BC (Map)
  • Workshop from 9AM to 12PM
  • Caucus meeting begins at 12:30PM

On Saturday September 16th, we would like to offer a workshop from 9 am to 12 pm , followed by a short lunch break, then an Racially Visible Caucus meeting to be held immediately afterwards, starting at approximately 12:30 pm.
The 3-hour workshop was  offered at the PSAC 2017 National Equity Conference for Racially Visible workers. We would like to offer it to members of the RV Caucus, especially those who weren’t able to attend this workshop in Toronto. Thanks to Monica Urrutia for agreeing to facilitate this workshop.
Workshop description: Impact of Systemic and Structural Racism in Our Workplaces – Racism exists today, even though we have systems and processes such as human rights and employment equity legislation to address it. This workshop will examine how racism in society (e.g. justice system, immigration, education, political systems, etc.) continues to create barriers and impacts career opportunities for racially visible workers.
We would need a minimum of nine participants to go ahead with the workshop. If you are a member of the PSAC BC Racially Visible Caucus and are interested in attending the workshop, please RSVP to No education per diems, travel, or other costs will be covered. I sincerely hope that you will be able to attend this workshop.
The agenda for the meeting will follow on a later date.
