North Vancouver Island Area Council Meeting

October 4, 2018
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
via teleconference, North Island, BC (Map)

For conference call coordinates please contact the Victoria Office.


  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Approve Agenda
  • Approve minutes from July 12th meeting
  • Financials – Allotment
  • Bargaining Updates – Marcelo
  • Nanaimo Rally- Richard
  • Labour Day update – Christine
  • Regional Mobilization Meeting (introduce the team) James
  • Link to “Here for Canada” Campaign – Christine
  • Upcoming events – H&S, YW, BC Fed
  • NDDLC  Endorsements for Municipal election
  • Fair Vote BC Referendum
  • Next meeting suggestions:  In person get together/Social event include spouses?