Vancouver Area Council meeting

May 15, 2019
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
PSAC Vancouver Regional Office - 200 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver, BC (Map)

Dinner is at 5:30 pm and the meeting starts at 6 pm.

During dinner we will have guest presenters from the Vancouver & District Labour Council and the New Westminster & District Labour Council.

Tentative agenda (please send in any other items you wish to be added):

  1. Approve previous minutes (March 13, 2019, attached)
  2. Business arising from previous minutes
    • report on Member Mixer on bargaining and Phoenix – April 4th
    • report on Vaisakhi?
    • report on May Day - May 1st
    • Election for 3rd Member-at-Large VDAC Executive position
  3. Metro Vancouver Alliance update
  4. Upcoming events:
    • Car Free Day - Jun 17
    • National Indigenous People’s Day – June 21
    • Canada Day, July 1st
    • Annual softball tournament – July 19
    • Pride (1st Sunday in August)
    • Annual barbecue (July/Aug?)
    • baseball & barbecue (July/Aug?)
    • CLIFF (fall)
    • Labour Day (Sept 2)
    • Federal Election (????)
  5. Phoenix sub-committee
  6. Affiliate Reports (3 minutes per local/committee) – Important note: please send written affiliate reports to Secretary, Jennifer Horsley at either prior to or within two weeks after the meeting to be included in the official minutes.
  7. New Business
  8. Round Table
  9. Adjournment/Next Meeting is scheduled for September 11, 2019.

RSVPs are requested by May 10th to, please include dietary needs or if you wish to join by telephone.
