Vancouver Area Council meeting

November 6, 2019
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
PSAC Vancouver Regional Office - 200 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver, BC (Map)

Dinner is at 5:30 pm and the meeting starts at 6 pm.

Tentative agenda (please send in any other items you wish to be added):

  1. Ratify all motions made at September 11, 2019 meeting
  2. Ratifiy motion of the Executive re: UniteHere picket line support
  3. Business arising since September 11
    • Sept 17 All-Candidates Meeting (in-camera discussion)
    • Federal Election results
  4. Standing finance update c/o Aaron
  5. Metro Vancouver Alliance update
  6. Upcoming events:
    • CLIFF (fall)
  7. Phoenix sub-committee
  8. Affiliate Reports (3 minutes per local/committee)
  9. New Business
    • Resolutions to be considered for submission to B.C. Regional Convention (please send e-versions to Monica in advance of the meeting)
    • Election of Vancouver Area Council delegate to B.C. Regional Convention
    • Election of Vancouver Area Council alternate delegate to B.C. Regional Convention
  10. Round Table
  11. Next Meeting

RSVPs are requested by November 5 to, please include dietary needs or if you wish to join by telephone.
