Vancouver Regional Women’s Committee

November 13, 2019
6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
PSAC Vancouver Regional Office - 200 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver, BC (Map)

The next Vancouver Regional Women’s Committee meeting is on November 13 at 6 pm for dinner (meeting will follow).

If you wish to join by phone, please let us know in advance. RSVP to by November 12th with any dietary requirements as dinner will be served.

Tentative agenda:

  • Approval of previous minutes (attached)
  • Treasurer’s Report c/o Corinne
  • Elections:
    • Delegate and alternate delegate to the PSAC BC Regional Convention
    • Delegate and alternate delegate to the PSAC National Women’s Conference
  • Resolutions for submission to the PSAC BC Regional Convention
  • Other Business

After the “formal” part of the meeting, the Committee welcomes all to stay for our packing party. There is a door prize for one lucky Sister who is able to help at the packing party donated by Simply Beautiful. The packing party is to help pack all of the donations gathered for the FHaB campaign from the last several months. Please note: there may be some scented items as we are not fully aware of everything contained in the donation boxes.
