BRUSH (Health & Safety) Committee meeting

December 5, 2019
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
PSAC Vancouver RO - 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver, BC (Map)

The next meeting of the BRUSH Committee will be held on Thursday, December 05, 2019 at 5:30pm in the Vancouver Regional Office at 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver BC.  

Please RSVP to Sharon Barbour ( if you plan to attend the meeting in person.

Members unable to attend the meeting in Vancouver are welcome to join in the discussion via teleconference. The conference call co-ordinates are:

  • Dial In; 604 343 3786 or  toll free at 844 259 7596
  • Conference ID: 986477900


  • Roll Call
  • Territorial Acknowledgement
  • Minute of Silence for Workers Killed and Injured on the Job
  • Accepting the Agenda
  • Review Previous Minutes
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Business Arising
  • New Business
    • BC Fed Activities
    • Resolution Re; Advanced Mental Health Courses (see below)
  • Round Table

Next Meeting


You may forward additional agenda items to BRUSH Secretary Jennifer Horsley (

Please note - street parking that used to be available on Joyce Street is no longer available because of lane changes.  We recommend travelling by skytrain because parking is very limited.  Please take this into consideration when planning your travel to the office.

Resolution for Discussion




The Representing Member with Mental Health Issues (RMWMHI) course currently offered by the PSAC is not effective in meeting the needs of its stewards; and

The PSAC has long supported mental health programs for all Canadian workers and their families; and

There is an urgent need for stewards to be able to address the challenges they face when representing a member experiencing mental health issues in the workplace:

THE ACTIONS REQUESTED: The PSAC to offer advanced courses that would better prepare stewards to represent members with mental health issues while remaining objective. Course should extend to include the recognition of an employee that is noticeably struggling with a mental health issue; and

Advanced mental health courses would help elevate the stress and anxiety that stewards face when representing members with mental challenges; and

We are asking the PSAC BC to adjust their upcoming education syllabus for the 2019/2020 education cycle to included advanced classes in mental health awareness courses.


