Southern Interior Regional Women's Committee meeting

May 24, 2020
11:00 am to 1:00 pm
via conference call, , BC (Map)

 *please note date and time change due to work schedule*

Please RSVP to Jeanne Olineck at to help ensure the meeting will have quorum.  The meeting will be held via conference call: +1 (844) 259-7596, conference ID: 971887961#

Tentative Agenda: (please feel free to submit additional agenda items)

  1. Land acknowledgement
  2. Call to order
  3. Adoption of Agenda
  4. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (attached)
  5. Treasurer’s report
  6. Old Business
    1. Sisters in Spirit update
    2. SWAG
    3. Women’s Day events
    4. Women's Conference: follow up on PSAC's response on numbers from previous events
  7. New Business
    1. Summary of PSAC Women’s Regional call
    2. Domestic Violence and COVID – how can we help?
    3. Events, virtual or other – suggestions; engagement
    4. New members – how to reach out?
  8. Adjourn