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Stewards networkWelcome to the Stewards Network at psacbc.com

This is a collection of all the Steward-related information and posts on the website - click below for more files and topics.

The Steward is the visible presence of the union in the workplace as the union officer who works with and interacts with the members at the workplace and represents them in a specific work area.

The Steward enforces the collective agreement and protects the rights members have acquired through negotiations and other union actions. Stewards are elected or appointed within the Local. The Steward is a key person in the union and helps ensure PSAC Locals are strong, representative and successful in protecting membership rights.

For more information about the Steward's Network, contact Dave Jackson in the Victora Regional Office at (250) 953-1050 or 1 (866) 953-1050.

Some commonly used forms

  • grievance form -Shop stewards can use this form to file grievances on behalf of their members - download one here.
  • grievance transmittal form - Use this form to advance a grievance to the next stage - download one here.
  • stewards fact sheet - This fact sheet can be used to collect information on the issue or problem that a grievance seeks to address. This will help stewards ensure that the grievance process and timeframes have been respected - download one here.
December 14, 2011 - 12:11pm •
PSAC recently launched a webinar (what's a webinar?) training series to provide stewards with additional knowledge on a range of topics. The first webinar Union Activity in the workplace: know your members’ rights, was held on October 26 and provided a legal framework for member activity in the workplace.
November 2, 2011 - 12:50pm •
The PSAC BC Young Workers Caucus has created a document designed to assist Locals in getting young workers involved and active in the Union.The 8-page Guide To Involving Young Workers is full of tips, ideas, and resources for Local Executive members who want to engage and empower the next generation of leadership. Download it now, or contact Monica Urrutia for a supply of printed copies for your Local.
October 24, 2011 - 3:36pm •
Due to technical difficulties with the fax machine in the Vancouver Regional Office, all applicants to the Advanced Stewards Training are asked to telephone the office (604 430 5631 or 1 800 663 1655) to confirm that the application was received properly and printed out - please do so even if you received a confirmation of receipt.Apologies, and thank you.
October 20, 2011 - 10:43am •
Are you looking for a way to connect with other PSAC stewards but find it hard to make it to an evening meeting? Participate in a webinar from your home computer – gain new skills and connect with other stewards without having to leave the house.
October 20, 2011 - 10:42am •
Over the last few months, PSAC surveyed current and past union stewards, both online and in person. We received more than 1,000 responses from PSAC stewards across the country. We learned a lot more about what stewards need in order to be able to fulfill their roles and responsibilities.
August 5, 2011 - 11:58am •
Public service jobs are in jeopardy due to the Harper Conservatives' austerity measures. But PSAC members at Treasury Board have rights and options under the Workforce Adjustment Appendix in our collective agreements.
June 29, 2011 - 12:45pm •
PSAC members have the right to promote and build our union in the workplace. Members have the right to be kept informed on the employer’s premises during non-work time, before or after shifts and during paid or unpaid breaks and lunch periods. This is the law.
June 29, 2011 - 10:28am •
The Programs Section and Education Section of the PSAC has prepared some educational tools for presentations, courses or workshops on the Treasury Board Workforce Adjustment Policy. These tools include the PowerPoint presentation below, check it out to read more about …
June 29, 2011 - 10:22am •
Work To Rule means just as it sounds:
May 31, 2011 - 5:02pm •
Are you a Shop Steward or Union Rep in the PSAC?If so, this is your year. In 2011, PSAC is putting a bright spotlight on the stewards and union reps who are the face and voice of the union at the grassroots. We want to give you the recognition you deserve, and the tools you need to do your union work. We want to improve communication with stewards, make changes to our education programs and find ways to connect stewards so that you can learn from each other.


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