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PSAC pride flag

June 20 to 29, 2014 marks the 45th anniversary of the Stonewall riots. Commemorating Stonewall and other historic achievements in the struggle for GLBT rights, PSAC members are organizing and participating in Pride celebrations and events across the country. This year, several PSAC members are also attending WorldPride 2014 and the WorldPride Human Rights Conference in Toronto.

I can remember facing the future with confidence when I was in my early twenties. I didn’t enter the workforce saddled with enormous student debt. There were good jobs out there. And I ended up being better off than my parents, because that’s the way it was supposed to be. But today, none of these things are true. The so-called “millennials”—all 8 million of them—are deeply uneasy about their future, according to a recent poll conducted for the Broadbent Institute.

In case you missed it, National Public Service Week was celebrated across Canada this week. Its objective is "to recognize the value of the services rendered by federal public service employees, and to acknowledge the contribution of federal public service employees to the federal administration."

via the BC Federation of Labour

As leaders of British Columbia’s Labour Movement we speak with one voice today in solidarity with the 40,000 teachers in the province who are standing up for the rights of children to a quality public education by demanding a fair collective agreement.
