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In addition to remembering the almost 200 BC workers that died because of work-related injuries and illnesses last year, the Day of Mourning is a call to action. The grave impact of COVID-19 on PSAC members and workers across Canada strengthens our resolve and fight for safe and healthy conditions in the workplace.

Forwarding on behalf of the BC Federation of Labour and Kelly Sidhu, PSAC BC Regional Council Women's Coordinator.

The BC Federation of Labour recently hosted an online panel on Sexual and Domestic Violence During COVID-19.

You can watch the recorded session, and will also find panelist slides from EVA BC and WAVAW, as well as captioning transcripts here:  https://bcfed.ca/content/sexual-and-domestic-violence-during-covid-19-co... .

At their general meeting on April 22 2020, the PSAC Vancouver Area Council discussed and passed the following Solidarity Statement on Wet’suwet’en.

Please see below information as provided to us by PSPC on how employees who do not have access to VPN can request pay related documents during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The PSAC offices in Vancouver and Victoria will be continue to be closed and staff will be teleworking until June 30, 2020.

PSAC has made this decision given that information shared by public health authorities leads us to believe that a return to work in our offices is unlikely before the summer. We will continue to follow the recommendations of public health officials and will continue to update our membership as the situation evolves.
